(alert: "Hinata Shoyo is calling you.")\
\> (transition-arrive: "slide-right")[[Answer]]
> (transition-arrive: "slide-right")[[Don't answer]]
(enchant: ?Link, (t8n-depart: "dissolve"))\
\> [[Remember]]
> [[Don't remember]]{(set: $fname to (prompt: "What is your first name?", "Haruichi"))
(set: $lname to (prompt: "What is your last name?", "Furudate"))}My name is $fname $lname.<img src="https://giangtranguyen.neocities.org/haikyuu/screenshots/chapter001/001.png">
''Warning(s):'' None
''Title:'' Untitled
''Summary:'' ?
''Link:'' [[Here|start game]]
''Credit(s): ''[[I don't own Haikyuu!!|default ending credits]]
''Character(s):'' Hinata Shoyo''Coder(s):'' ?
''Tester(s):'' ?
''Writer(s):'' ?
[[Go back|default main menu]]\
(alert: "Hinata Shoyo sent you a text.")\
\> (transition-arrive: "slide-right")[[Read it]]
> [[Don't read it]]"Hello?"The end.''Hinata Shoyo''
I missed you
When can I see you again?You ended up going to bed.I remember it too well.Even though you didn't want to remember it, you couldn't help it.(link-goto: "Wait for him or her to come", (either: "hinata", "kageyama", "yachi"))You ended up meeting with Hinata.You ended up meeting with Kageyama.You ended up meeting with Yachi..(set: $kiyokoAffection to 0)\
[[Meet up with Kiyoko]](set: $kiyokoAffection to it + 50)
this is yellow.
[[Ending with Kiyoko]](if: $kiyokoAffection >= 75)[\
I love you!
](else-if: $kiyokoAffection >= 50)[\
I like you.
](else-if: $kiyokoAffection >= 25)[\
I don't like you
I dislike you
](set:$cl to (a:
"I love you!",
"I hate you!",
"I want you!"))
(link-repeat:"|this>[What should you say?]")[(replace:?this)[(print: $cl's 1st)](set:$cl to(rotated:1, ...$cl))]You're (either: "Hinata Shouyou", "Kageyama Tobio", "Tsukishima Kei", "Yamaguchi Tadashi!")!|output>[]
{(set: $count to 0)
(Live: 1s)[(set: $count to it + 1)
(if: $count >= 1)[(replace: ?output)[You: "Hi."]]
(if: $count >= 2)[(append: ?output)[<br>Kageyama: "Hey."]]
(if: $count >= 3)[(append: ?output)[<br>You: "What's up?"]]
(if: $count >= 4)[(append: ?output)[<br>Kageyama: "Not much."]]
(if: $count >= 5)[(append: ?output)[<br>[[Continue]]]]
(if: $count >= 6)[(stop:)]]} ?(link-reveal: "You: <q>Hello.</q>")[
(link-reveal: "Hinata: <q>Hey!</q>")[
(link-reveal: "You: <q>How are you?</q>")[
(link-reveal: "Hinata: <q>Great!</q>")[
(link-reveal: "You: <q>How is the team?</q>")[
(link-reveal: "Hinata: <q>They're great too!</q>")[
You: <q>I would like to see them again.</q>
]{(live: 0.5s)[
"Go (either: "Hinata!", "Kageyama!", "Tsukishima!", "Yamaguchi!")"
]} You yelled.(link-reveal: "Lion")[hearted](set: $counter to 10)
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Next Passage")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]I have a crush on him.
(click-replace: "him")[Hinata Shoyo](set: $ThirdYears to "Third Years")
Hello <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Sawamura Daichi", "Sugawara Koushi", "Azumane Asahi"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$ThirdYears");'>$ThirdYears</tw-link>.
(link: "I know who I want")[(goto: $ThirdYears)](set: $ThirdYears to "Third Years")
Hello <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Sawamura Daichi", "Sugawara Koushi", "Azumane Asahi"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$ThirdYears");'>$ThirdYears</tw-link>.
(link: "I know who I want")[{
(if: $ThirdYears is "Sawamura Daichi")[(goto: "First Passage")]
(elseif: $ThirdYears is "Sugawara Koushi")[(goto: "Second Passage")]
(else:)[(goto: "Third Passage")]}]Computer: |ltest>[Checking Status.]
(live: 3s)[
(replace: ?ltest)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Status Normal.]]
(live: 5s)[
(replace: ?ltest)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Checking Flight Path.]]
(live: 8s)[
(replace: ?ltest)[(t8n: "dissolve")[]]
(live: 10s)[
(replace: ?ltest)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Adjusting Course]]
]](live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[now what1?](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[now what2?](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[now what3?](stop:)](enchant: ?passage's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 100) + (t8n:'instant'))
insert some text here. asdlgjaeigjaowegnawoeignawoegnawekgnaweawogniaw(link: "Click this")[Show this text](link: "Click this")[Show this text
(link: "Click this again")[Show this text again]](link: "Hinata Shoyo")[(dialog: "Do you want to call him?", "Yes", "No")](set: $password to (prompt: "What is the password?", ""))
You entered $password.
(if: $password is "1993")[i love you]
(else:)[It didn't work.
[[Try again|password prompt]]]